Налазите се | Аутори - Дејан Ђокић
Дејан Ђокић

Dr Dejan Djokić

Position held: Reader in History

Email:  d.djokic (@gold.ac.uk)

Office hours:  Tuesday 1-2pm (Autumn and Spring term), Wednesday 12-1pm (Autumn term) or by appointment, Richard Hoggart Building, Room 285

Dr Dejan Djokic is the Director of the Centre for the Study of the Balkans and Co-Convener of the Institute of Historical Research seminar 'Rethinking Modern Europe'.

Academic qualifications
BA History, SSEES, University of London, 1996
PhD History, University College London, 2004
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

BA second and third year
Nationalism, Democracy and Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Eastern Europe
 Ethnic Conflict and Reconciliation in Modern Europe

Areas of supervision
I would welcome research proposals on modern and contemporary history of South Eastern Europe. Proposals for joint supervision (with colleagues at Goldsmiths or other University of London colleges) would be welcome also, on comparative topics that would include former Yugoslavia and the Balkans.
I am currently the main supervisor for the following postgraduate MPhil/PhD student:
 ■ Christian Kurzydlowski, 'Another Balkan Myth? The Extreme right wing in Serbia: Indigenous phenomenon or foreign adaptation?'
Professional activities
 ■ Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
 ■ Member of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES), and external member of the advisory board of the Vane Ivanović Collection, Kingston University.
Television and video output
I have commented on contemporary events in former Yugoslavia for UK and international media, including Sky News, BBC Radio, ABC National Radio (Sydney), etc. and have written articles for other media, including the New Statesman, Guardian, Independent, Danas (Belgrade), THES, openDemocracy and Pescanik.net (Belgrade) (full details available on request).

Поглед у књигу
У овој књизи су сакупљени, први пут на једном месту, сви уводници часописа Наша реч, који је излазио између јануара 1948. и децембра 1990, најпре у Паризу (1948–1958), а затим у Лондону, као гласило Савеза „Ослобођење“, организације млађих српских демократа у емиграцији.4 Часопис је у почетку излазио сваких шест у одређеним другим приликама објављивани двоброји, односно троброји.  '
саиздаваштво са Откровењем
прво издање, 2013
17 х 24 цм
632 стр.
тврди повез
ISBN: 978-86-519-1726-7
Пуна цена:
2.420,00 ДИН

Цена на сајту:
2.299,00 ДИН + (трошкови доставе)

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