A NOVEL OF LONDON, eng Роман о Лондону
translated by Will Firth, introduction by David Norris, прво издање, 2022, 14 х 20 цм, 896 стр., тврд повез, латиница, ISBN 978-86-519-2503-3
Пуна цена:
2.420,00 ДИН

Цена на сајту:
2.299,00 ДИН + (трошкови доставе)

Цена за чланове клуба са попустом:
2.178,00 ДИН
+ (трошкови доставе)
"[Crnjanski's] work is linguistically innovative and profoundly moving. His last work, A Novel of London, encapsulates both aspects of his own experience and contemporary preoccupations with the fate of migrants across the world." 
David A. Norris 

"A powerful and enduringly relevant story of East–West migration and exile, (...) its meticulously evoked setting based on the author’s first-hand experience of London during and immediately after World War Two." 
  Vesna Goldsworthy

"While Crnjanski can be scathing and even cynical, the book is peppered with humor and quirky details that introduce levity and help create a nuanced expressionist collage." 

Will Firth